Madras Medley

धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः | Books | History | Travel | Technology | Civilization

25 Aug 2023

Let's Talk Money - Review by Abhishek Desikan

Let’s Talk Money by Monika Halan is one of those books I’d recommend as a must-read for everyone, regardless of whether they’re a novice or an expert at managing their finances. I was impressed with how the book was structured, and it provides a step-by-step approach to making one’s money work for them in different life situations.

Most people lack structure in organizing their finances, don’t have good advisors, and tend to make financial decisions out of emotion rather than logic. The author does a fantastic job of walking us through the jargon, different life situations we might be in, and how best we can plan to have a stress-free financial life. The concept of a money box, with separate compartments addressing various aspects of our lives, from savings, emergency funds, medical insurance, equity, retirement, and death, made it relatable and easy to follow.

The author also addresses myths and taboos associated with making wills, our obsession with gold and real estate, and demystifies them with data and many first-hand accounts from her friends and colleagues.

While the book is tailored to an Indian lifestyle, most key learnings apply worldwide. The author repeatedly emphasizes that this book isn’t a get-rich overnight recipe but one that points you in the right direction to ensure a healthy financial outlook for yourself and your near and dear ones. The hard work still needs to be done by us to reap the dividends, but this book can act as an excellent reference guide for making critical decisions.




Also published here.